Highlands Mobile Vet
Monthly Blog

Covering topics relating to cats, dogs, horses, sheep & cattle!

Eden Faulkner Eden Faulkner

Vet Blog 4 - F3 Vaccination Shortage

In recent months, veterinary clinics around Australia have been made aware of a supply shortage of F3 Feline Vaccinations, leaving owners questioning how to keep their feline friends safe from the highly contagious ‘cat flu’. Here are some top tips on keeping your cat safe until we can get access to more vaccines:

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Eden Faulkner Eden Faulkner

Vet Blog 3 - Calf Scours

At this time of year, with most calves already hitting the ground, it’s a good time to talk about the ‘Calf Diarrhoea Complex’. Calf diarrhoea or ‘scours’ can be caused by multiple different infectious and non-infectious pathogens.

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Eden Faulkner Eden Faulkner

Vet Blog 2 - Dr Eden’s Puppy Checklist

Bringing a new puppy home is one of the most exciting parts of pet ownership. Here are 10 things to consider before picking them up to ensure that the transition into your home is smooth and your pup remains healthy.

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Eden Faulkner Eden Faulkner

Vet Blog 1 - The Importance of Equine Dentistry

When was the last time your horse had a dental?

Unlike most other species, equine teeth continuously grow and over time. Regular dental floats prevent development of conditions that can be both painful for the horse and affect production and performance.

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