Vet Blog 4 - F3 Vaccination Shortage

In recent months, veterinary clinics across Australia have been made aware of a nation wide supply shortage for F3 Feline Vaccinations. With an expected return date of April 2024, this has left many wondering what they can do to protect their cats against the highly contagious ‘Cat Flu’ disease complex which is normally prevented by the annual F3 vaccine.

Recommendations to reduce the risk of your cat contracting ‘Cat Flu’ include:

  1. Keep cats housed inside at all times and away from any other potentially unvaccinated or infected neighbourhood cats.

  2. Ensure that any cats that are introduced to the household are either up to date with previous vaccinations or isolated until the vaccine is available.

  3. Wash any equipment used between cats such as bowls, bedding etc.

  4. For kittens, consider giving 2 vaccinations slightly later with the last at 16 weeks of age, if three doses are not available.

If you have an indoor cat that is previously up to date their risk of exposure is very low. Cats that are going into an environment like Cattery’s are higher risk and should be prioritised, as should unvaccinated kittens and cats with existing health concerns that may make them more susceptible to contracting the virus or have more serious illness should they become ill.

For your reference, signs of Cat Flu include discharge from the eyes or nose, sneezing, coughing, loss of appetite or generalised lethargy. If your cat is showing any of these symptoms please isolate them from any other cats in the household immediately and phone your regular veterinarian for advice.


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